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Showing posts from August, 2021

How cooking gas will change Africa

How cooking gas will change Africa It depresses me to note that a tree must fall in Africa for someone to cook a meal. _________________________________ If there was one lesson Africa can learn from the way humankind has reacted to COVID19, it is how fast we must change our behaviors to survive when our environment changes. We need such drastic change in how we cook. It depresses me to note that ,presently, a tree must fall in Africa for someone to cook a meal. And that need not be the case. We have  recently joined the push to increase usage of clean cooking energy. According to the recent  United in Science  report, humanity is already seriously threatened by ongoing systemic ecological changes . UNEP says the world  is presently losing 10 million hectares of forest cover every year!  Forests  play important role in reduction of carbon dioxide from our environment, and without trees, we cannot win against  climate change .  Deforestation is therefore the single most potent threat to